Monday 26/12
The night was pretty horrific. There was more crying than sleeping. But we got through it and were so happy to wake up still in Worcester. Thankfully, the boys woke up just before 10am. So we had a slow morning as we got ready and played around. James's highlight that morning was feeding the fish in the lake that is on the property.
Just after lunch Elliot, Megan and Rosie arrived. Rosie looked so cute! I miss her little face so much! I love her so much! Wish I could give her a tight little cuddle like I do my boys but I do understand and respect that each person has different levels of tolerance haha! After hanging out a bit we then headed out.
We went into town and saw the beautiful sunset over the river. I love seeing the swans when I'm in Worcester. There was even a rainbow in the sky!
We ran into a carousel so the kids hopped on for a ride. George loved watching it go round and round.
We then made it into Worcester Cathedral. It's such a magical place. It always takes me back to my first visit to Worcester 7 years ago.
Worcester Cathedral has a tree festival every Christmas so we came to see that. It was so fun looking at all the different trees. James loved pointing out his favourite ones (which were the colourful ones haha!).
We finished quickly so while the others were still looking at trees James wanted to explore the Cathedral more.
Apparently King John (the same one from Robin Hood) is buried here! Also Prince Arthur (the older brother of King Henry).
Once we were all back together we headed over to Matt's grandparent's house. I felt so welcomed and comfortable here. I love Pat and Reg so much. They are such good people. We had a lovely Christmas dinner (well, tried to with all the kids going back and forth). The apple crumble was heavenly!
Then the kids played around. Somehow James found out how to turn on the TV but didn't know how to change the channel so they just watched CNN together! As we tried to leave the kids went upstairs and played hide and seek for ages together. They were running and laughing so hard.
When we got back home James wrestled with his grandad and Matt. He played around with Rosie as well. We then sat and did some more presents.
We then started to get ready for bed. Our fingers were crossed that they would sleep better tonight. James stayed in the bathroom for ages just reading the Beano on his own. It was really cute. When he was done he snuggled up in bed with us.
Tuesday 27/12
Our 6 year anniversary!! It's incredible being married to my best friend. Matt is such an amazing husband and dad. He is my heart. Even though we don't do anything big to celebrate we honour the deep friendship we have. He is mine forever and I am his. (2015-2021)
It was a much better night. The boy woke up to the sound of toddling feet upstairs. So we got up and started the day. We chilled at home that morning as we all got ready.
At lunchtime the family started to arrive. It was a Leece Family reunion. It was so fun seeing Matt's aunts, uncles and cousins. Matt's cousins were so sweet to George. It was so fun to catch up with them and see how they were doing.
James had a blast with his second cousins. Luke is just weeks older than James and so you can imagine they got on pretty well. George loved the attention he got.
We had food all together and then played some family games. It was so fun! I laughed my head off.
During the games James read the Beano with his great grandparents. It was really sweet to see. Pat and Reg are the best. We couldn't love them more!
We then sat and chatted for ages more. I can't believe I've been a part of this family for 6 years now! I love them so much and they make me feel so welcomed! I especially had a blast with Matt's cousins. They made me laugh so much! I get on so well with them. It was hard to say goodbye because we usually only see everyone once a year.
When everyone was gone we just played around for a bit. We planned to leave for 8pm so the boys would sleep on the journey home. We squeezed in a bit more playing with Megan, Elliot and Rosie. James loves them.
After they left we got ready to go too. James was so sad to leave. He begged us to stay one more day. He loves being here so much. We said our goodbyes and headed out on the road. The boys slept all the way. We got home by 10pm and transferred everyone to bed.
Wednesday 28/12
We planned to just take it slow at home that day. Everyone woke up about 8:30am and we played around in bed. We then got up and got ready for the day. George napped for 3 hours that morning while Matt and James hung out together.
We had a late lunch when George woke up and then wrestled the rest of the afternoon. I love wrestling with my boys. George and James get so happy as we jump around on the bed.
George then took a nap and we watched Strange World on Disney+ for family film night. When George woke up we had some dinner and then got ready for bed. James squeezed in an art project before we got in bed. He is so cute. We then snuggled up in bed.
Thursday 29/12
Everyone slept well that night but I still didn't want to wake up when the boys woke up at 8:30am. We played in bed and then got ready for the day. George napped while James and I watched How to Train Your Dragon together.
We had some lunch and then headed out to where James chose to go today. The National Gallery haha! After some cute cuddles and a nap from George we hopped on the tube.

We just love taking the Elizabeth line. It's so quick and comfortable. James loves that we get off at Tottenham Court Road Station because The Now Building is right outside. He loves watching whatever is on the screens. We walked our way towards our destinations with a few cheeky stops at a Harry Potter shop and a cute bookshop.
We had some delicious pancakes with Nutella just before walking in The National Gallery. Trafalgar Square was buzzing!
James was so excited to show his dad his favourite spots and paintings. It was incredibly busy, especially Van Gogh's paintings.
Despite the massive amount of people I still loved seeing the art. Scroll through some of my favourites.
We walked out just in time to get some early dinner at Pizza Hut. George was such a hungry boy! He ate almost all our leftover crust! I can't believe at 9 months he is such a great eater! But he does breastfeed the other 23 hours of the day these days… lots of growth and brain development haha!
Our final stop was reading some books at Foyles bookshop. James loves our book stops. He reads and reads and reads. Matt and James read for ages while George napped in the carrier. I browsed through books and ended up taking a book called "Watching the English." It's so good!
James could have kept reading all evening! But we were able to convince him to stop and head out. Before leaving James found a Ninjago Teddy. It was his favourite character from the show. He asked us if he could get it for his birthday (which is the 11th of January). Of course we said yes. We watched a few fun things at The Now Building before hopping on the tube and heading home.
We had a light snack and then started to get ready for bed. These past months I've noticed that James has been more of a daddy's boy which has been tough on me emotionally. I mean, George is on me 24/7 so it's not like I'm over here with empty arms haha! But I miss his cuddles and "us" time. He requests daddy for everything and I miss being his first person to go to. But I know this is just a season. I need to show confidence that I know he still loves me and have open arms for when he does come near and wants me. Reading with him that night was the highlight of the day for me (George still clinging on to me as he breastfed haha!).

Friday 30/12
In the morning we sat in bed for ages and read our Egyptian book we got yesterday at Foyles. James loved this book and picked it since we were going to The British Museum today (he choice again). So after George's nap and lunch we headed out the door.

James read his Egyptian book all the way to the Museum. Of course we made a cheeky stop at The Now Building to watch the screens. James and George loved going through the light tunnel.
The British Museum is such an impressive building outside and in! I love being here. It was incredibly busy though!
We went straight over to the Ancient Egypt rooms to see the mummies. James loved it so much! These rooms were so crowded too (Matt was losing it).
James next stop for us was the gift shop so we could play around with stuff. We had a snack in a corner to let the boys play around together. George was so tired of being in the carrier and wanted to wiggle around. Today was another day he was breastfeeding nonstop. I needed a break too haha!
The last thing we did was a scavenger hunt in the Chinese section. James loved that and was so excited to learn about it. We then did the Ancient Greece scavenger hunt but he was so tired we didn't get through that one. We left the museum just after 5pm.
We had dinner at Burger King and then went back to The Now Building to watch. James just lied on the floor and experienced it all for the next 20 minutes. He loves this place.
Once we were back home the boys played for a bit and then we got ready for bed. It was a tough evening because James seemed to be in such a great need to be supported in everything. Matt was so exhausted. I wish I could have helped more but George was breastfeeding for ages and then only wanted to be held by me. So Matt and I were both drained by the end of the night.

Saturday 31/12
Last day of the year! We had an early start of the day since the boys decided to wake up at 7:30am (instead of 8:30am). So we did a bit of playing before leaving. George loves playing peekaboo with himself in the mirror. He loves finding all the mirrors in the house and giggles when he sees himself.

When we were all ready we got on the train and made it to the Southbank Centre by 10:30am for a New Year Party for kids. After a few songs we were actually done. They didn't play any kid songs… Just adult songs unfortunately! James spent the rest of the time playing with the kids around the back. He was so happy. George practiced going up and down the stairs. We stayed until the countdown to noon and celebrated the new year. We then got out of there to breathe in some fresh air.
James led us to the bookshop next door. James and I read all the Peppa books that were there together while George crawled around and chased down a dog haha! James didn't want to leave. I love his love for reading.
We then walked by Big Ben and got on the tube. (that last sentence sounds so simple but it was such a chaotic 30 minutes… So many people around, George crying nonstop, James complaining about the noise and his feet hurting, and over-stimulated parents who were at the end of their rope). But once we were sitting on the tube everything got better.
Both boys napped so when we got home we watched Knives Out together. It was nice just being the two of us (well, three really since George was dream feeding). Such a good show too! When the boys woke up we wrestled up in the bed. It's amazing to me how George likes to get in the middle of us as we rough house. The next thing was dinner and showers.
We then went on to celebrate the New Year by watching the fireworks from last year and eating 12 grapes at the dongs. It was so much fun. We then got into bed. I watched George as he slept next to me. I love his littleness. They grow so fast and it makes me sad that tomorrow he'll be a bit bigger than he is today. I love snuggling with him at night (since he is constantly attached to the breast haha!). I love being a mum.
Sunday 1/1
Happy New Year! 2023!! I can't believe it's a new year! James turns 4, George turns 1 and Matt and I turn 29 this year! Crazy! George woke up at 7am like he knew we had early church haha! So as I got ready he decided he wanted a bit of makeup too.
We arrived at the Chapel at 10am and sat right in the very front since it was so full. 5 wards were meeting together plus all the tourists that are here. George had a blast crawling around. He was such a happy baby. And James was practicing his mark making with his dad. After the meeting he played around with his little friends. On the way home they read his comic for the millionth time.
They both napped and we watched Glass Onion together. When the boys were up they were back to playing. George just loves playing with his brother. Didn't matter what it was.
We went up to do some wrestling together. The boys loved it so much. George giggled each time he would get his dad. I love these moments. We then had a games night with Esther, Elliot and Megan on video call. James loved the drawing games we played. George was sleeping and feeding the whole time.
After the call James went straight to bed on his own account because he said he was so tired. I had a quick video chat with Angie, my doula/breastfeeding support. Just was a bit worried my milk supply was going down since George was feeding nonstop and my breasts feeling empty. Good news was that everything was alright! George is just growing and drinking any milk that comes in and thats why I feel so small haha! George was still full of energy so I took him to the kids room and we played there for another hour. He was so full of life! He belly laughed so many times with me. He is one cute kid. At 10pm we were asleep in bed. I love my family. It's tough raising a family but it's 100% worth it.