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The End of 2023

Writer: Joy-Filled MumJoy-Filled Mum

Monday 25/12

Happy Christmas! It was so exciting to wake up to snuggles in bed. We played around in the bed. I can't believe the boys wake up with so much energy. We then went to the kitchen to make some Dutch Pancakes with nutella for breakfast (the only time we really have pancakes every year). The boys never expect gifts on Christmas day since we have talked to them how Christmas is more about Christ and what we can give to others. They still have so much joy on Christmas morning. Then we just played around as we packed for the next event of the day.

Just after lunch we ran around getting the last few things packed and then set off to Worcester. The boys love Christmas so much because it means we see family. 2 hours later we made it to Matt's parent's house. The boys ran in with smiles and straight to play.

My brother in law, Elliot, was there with his family and Matt's youngest brother Daniel. We started the gift opening. James and George would help pass out the gifts. They were so happy with the gifts they received but it seemed like they enjoyed handing out the gifts more. I am so grateful for the love my in laws give with this Christmas spirit.

We played around the house for a bit as Christmas dinner was being prepared. The boys had so much fun with their auntie Megan and uncle Elliot. They are so lucky to have them. Rosie is the cutest little thing as she follows them around and says their names.

We then sat down for Christmas dinner. We opened the Christmas crackers and played the games inside. The dinner was so delicious and the company was the best. I love these memories we make together.

We did a bit more gift opening since Matt's grandmother Pat was there. Reg didn't make it because he was in the hospital due to a fall earlier that day. It was so good to sit with Pat and catch up with her. She is a gem. The kids were too busy playing to sit around. They had so much energy.

It was soon time for time for bed. We went to our room and got ready for bed. The boys still had so much joy left in them. It had been such a beautiful Christmas day. George was in love with the storm trooper near our room haha! Today was so beautiful.

Tuesday 26/12

We all woke up slowly. It had not been the easiest night but it was nice to have a lie in. We went down for breakfast and began the day. It was nice to see the sunshine through the trees. It had been raining the whole day yesterday and since it was sunny the kids wanted to play outside in the garden before we headed off.

We didn't give a gift to Daniel on Christmas day because he was going to choose his gift. So we were heading into town to do shopping on Boxing day. We had the whole crew with us and it was really fun. The boys loved being with their aunts and uncles.

We got the gift and then George got soaked while jumping in a puddle outside. He was so happy haha! I love seeing him making the most of his day. He is so cute. We then headed into Waterstones to do some reading. James just loves being read to and Daniel was so sweet to read to him.

My in laws met us at Five Guys for some lunch. It was so nice to have everyone together again for another meal. I love having Five Guys. James was in a different world since Melissa gave him his new Ninja top that she brought that morning. It was cute to watch him.

We then slowly started to make our way to Worcester Cathedral. The kids just wanted to run around and play. I love the way they love playing. James, George and Rosie are such good friends and I love to see them giggle.

George didn't want to leave the outdoors but I eventually convinced him to come with me to join the others in the cathedral. Matt went to school next to this Cathedral so it was a really big part of his school years since they were in there so much. It is a beautiful cathedral.

Every year we have come to the tree festival they hold at the cathedral. It is so fun to walk through the different trees and see the creativity of the community. James really enjoyed walking through with his auntie Megan.

It was busier than last year so harder to enjoy but it was still lovely to see all the trees. Some of them were a bit hard for the kids to keep their hands off.

But soon they found their favourite part... the stairs. They went up and down these little stairs so much. They were so happy being above every one and smiled so widely. George had a hard time leaving those beloved stairs haha.

We saw the rest of the trees and then walked through the rest of the Cathedral to see the Christmas decorations. George had fallen asleep by this point. We didn't have the buggy so I had to carry him and he was so heavy haha! We made it to the car soon and I was so relieved.

Back at home we relaxed and watched a film together. But it wasn't long before the kids just wanted to play around. They wanted to take advantage of all the adults they had around to play with.

We had dinner and then it was back to playing. Granny and Grandad were so sweet with the kids. I loved watching them play with the boys as we played some after dinner games with the siblings. It was such a fun night. We headed to bed as soon it passed 9pm. We just didn't want the night to end.

Wednesday 27/12

Happy anniversary day Matt! I can't believe it's been only 7 years since the beautiful day in the temple. It feels like we have lived a lifetime together. I can't believe I have been so lucky to be yours forever. Every day is an adventure with you. I love you.

The morning was nice and slow. The boys were happy to play with their new toys as we got ready for the day. We then went down to have breakfast. James and George were so happy to play with Rosie.

After watching a morning film together the kids were ready to run around together. matt played the monster as we hid. It was so much fun to hide with them and giggle as Matt struggled to find us. I love having moments with Rosie. She is the cutest.

Soon the Leece Family reunion started as people arrived from afar. It was so good to see them. It had been since the funeral of Matt's uncle when we saw most of them. It was sad to think Scott was here last year at the reunion. It was good to catch up with each of them.

The little cousins really enjoyed being with each other. They played some fun games that really got them giggling together. We ate food and later on played white elephant.

We played some family games together which James turned out to be really good at! We chatted until it was time for everyone to go. I love these family reunions so much. Makes me miss mine back at home...

George was watching a bit of Teletubbies and accidentally fell asleep while I was chatting away. He must have been so tired haha!

When he woke up it was time for the Everton game. It went really well the first half but then not during the last half so the guys were a bit sad at bedtime. James and George seemed to like watching despite the result. We then snuggled up in bed.

Thursday 28/12

We were sad we were leaving that morning since that meant the end of Christmas. James and George gave their grandparents a big hug and then we sent off to Oxford.

We arrived in the nick of time so we ran to the Story Museum so we were not miss too much of Small World. It also began to rain as we were walking quickly and we had no umbrellas haha!

We made it to Small World just as they begun the session. James and George loved the story about the moon. After the story it was free play time. The boys loved being in the dark room the best.

George fell in love when he saw the bus he could go into and drive. It was so cute how long he was in there for. James and Matt were reading for ages together. James has such a gift for listening to stories. I love it so much.

We played in the different areas that contained different stories. George loved anything that had to do with hiding. James of course just read the different stories as he explored. We then came together with the group and they read one more story together.

Since it was past lunch time we walked along the streets of Oxford to find a place to eat. Oxford is such a charming city. It is so cool to see the well preserved building around us. Oxford will always have a piece of my heart.

We walked into Wendy's to have our lunch. It was so busy but we were happy we could fill our tummies. After we finished eating we headed over to George Street to capture a photo. When we came to Oxford with my dad 18 months ago he took a photo with baby George here. I miss my dad so much.

We then headed back to the Story Museum to go through the galleries. The first section was the magical forest. Each tree contains a story you could listen to and interactive games. It such a cool area.

We then went to the bug gallery. As you would stick your antenne in a special reader you would hear the story. It was really cool to learn about the different things around the room. James had so much fun with his auntie.

We explored the enchanted library next. I love this section. Each room has a different book you walk into. Alice in Wonderland, Winnie the Pooh, and Narnia is my favourite.

We walked through each of the different rooms. The boys always love The Snowman room. Melissa was so sweet to James and George as we discovered new things together.

One of the last rooms was Choose your own Story. The boys loved opening up the boxes and seeing the mystery bind each door. Our time at the Story Museum was the best. I love this place.

It was just after 4pm when we left but it was dark already. But the sights were still beautiful to see. We saw some of the University of Oxford buildings as we walked to our next destination. It was so cold and wet. I wish I had brought my coat haha!

We finally made it to Blackwell's bookshop. Matt brought me here 8 years ago when we were dating. He loves this bookshop so much. It always brings back good memories. I hung out with the kids in the children's section (while Matt ran back to the car to get my coat).

Once Melissa was done browsing books we headed off to get some hot chocolate at Knoops. WE got back to the car just before 6pm. We got home in an hour and then just chilled together. It had been a long day. We then snuggled up in bed together.

Friday 29/12

It was back to the normal routine of life at home (with Matt on holiday of course). We restarted our home school lessons in the morning. I love being able to home educate James. It has blessed us so much to have so much time with him. We spent the rest of the morning being together.

Once the house was clean we just wrestled on the bed. The boys love it when they get both of us to wrestle with. These are some of our favourite moments of the day when we are all wrestling in bed. The boys never get enough of it.

When George woke up from his nap we headed out to pick up a new skateboard for the boys (Matt had broken it earlier that day and it cause lots of tears). It was a beautiful bike ride to Richmond. It is so nice to still see Christmas lights around. Once we got home it was time for a family film night. It was so fun to rewatch How To Train Your Dragon with the boys. We then snuggled up in bed.

Saturday 30/12

On holiday we like to take things nice and slow with no plans. That is our favourite way to enjoy the holidays. And it's so refreshing. The boys love the adventures but also love the closeness of home days. Matt gets a good work out in with the boys.

We just hung out together all day wrestling and playing. There were so many moments we laughed and giggled together. George had a nap and we continued to play when he woke up. We had dinner and then had a family film night. There is something so precious about these slow days. We then snuggled up into bed. My brother in law Daniel arrived to ours just before midnight to stay the night after the YSA dance.

Sunday 31/12

Since my sister was going to church with the YSA later we went on the bike to church. It was nice to wake up to so many people in the house. I love the company. We got to church just in time. We sat in front of my friend Larlee so the boys were entertained by their friends.

Once we left the chapel the boys fell asleep on the bike ride home. They woke up when we got home. We had some lunch together. I had an amazing time talking with my sister. I love our long chats. When Daniel came home from church the boys were excited to play with him. He is so sweet with them. They really do love him.

When he headed off we got ready and then headed off to our New Year's Eve party at my friend Bridget's house. It was so good to be with them. They are a crazy bunch but that is how we like it. I always feel at home when I go to theirs.

The boys were so happy playing with the kids. I had the best time talking to Bridget. She is like a sister to me. We celebrated the New Year a bit earlier so the kids could join in.

Afterwards we headed home. Melissa was there waiting for us. The boys were so excited to see her and wanted to play with her a bit longer before bed. I love that they have such a close relationship with her.

That connection means the world to them. We then headed into bed. Luckily the boys weren't woken up by the loud fireworks outside at midnight. It sounded like a war zone. but they slept through it all. I am excited to welcome in the new year!



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