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My Favourite Things

Writer: Joy-Filled MumJoy-Filled Mum

See a snapshot of our week! Life with kids can make time and memories slip through the cracks. So here is where we will write the story of the joys with our family.


So yeah... Terrible night but James woke up 9am so that means he slept 14 hours! Poor guy, he must really be going through something (development or teething who knows). When we got up we read his favourite books and eventually rolled out of bed. He really only wanted to be cuddled so we did just that.

Then after an hourish he was off to play. He played a bit on his own as I stayed nearby. When it was close to lunchtime we played football for ages. He had so much fun kicking towards the Christmas tree and making the dried leaves fall. I loved watching him giggle.

When he went down for his nap I got busy reading. I'm reading a textbook my mother-in-law gave me (Child Development from Birth to Eight) and I love it so much! When James got up we set up the wooden track and played with his cars until Matt was done with work.

We headed off to the shop before dinner to get some food and essentials. James was ever so helpful. He doesn't let us forget to give him his trolley. He is so helpful.

When we got him we had dinner and then James was up playing with everything. It was fun watching him ride his scooter back and forth and then he made me walk backwards with him while saying bye to our reflection in every mirror we passed haha! Eventually, James was getting tired... But then he asked for a doughnut and his milk! When he gave it to him he knelt down and said a prayer! He is so cute! We went down at the normal time hoping that that night would be easier...


It was a bit easier but still rough. I got a bit of reading in before James woke up next to me. I was so hungry so while Matt and James read in bed (and Rang-Tan).

That wasn't the end of Rang-Tan haha! All morning long he made me take him to each activity he did and shared with Rang-Tan everything he had. The house was clean from the day before so I didn't have to be anywhere but at his side. Since the sun was out we brought out the sequence pillow and played with the light reflection. James loved watching the lights dance and trying to step on them (note to self: I need to get him a laser pointer).

He had an emotional hour and then we had some doughnuts and Colacao together. We then watch Pocahontas together. I thought he would go down for a nap at this point but I was wrong! He stayed up! Soon the electrician came to check our water heater (we are having problems with our meter for months now and we are still trying to figure out what is wrong). James absolutely loved watching the electrician at work. He would mimic whenever he could.

After they left we continued playing around until Matt clocked out. We had dinner together and James was all over Matt. I quickly jumped in the shower and we showered James as well. He looked so tired! I couldn't believe we had gone a full day without a nap! I took James into bed with me and we watched some family videos while Matt was in Ward Council. Matt to come back and James was sleeping by 8:30pm! Earliest night ever!


The night was alright. Matt and I couldn't fall to sleep so early because we were not used to it. But I eventually got tired around 11pm. James had a few wakes during the night but stayed in bed well enough. He woke up at 9am! It was very much needed!

That morning we were meeting up with my friend Jeanny (from California) and Maksy (a year older than James). They are headed to Poland for a month the next day so we wanted to get together for a play date before they left. Maksy wasn't in the best of moods to see James but James didn't mind. I got lots of cuddles with Maja which made me so happy! I love watching how these two boys just play together. I know one day they really will enjoy playing together but for now they kinda tolerate each other since they are on different developmental levels haha. Jeanny and I had loads to talk about and it was so nice being together. We hung out until 4pm! James did not want to go home. He loved playing with Maksy and Jeanny so much. James loves going back through videos where I have recorded him and Maksy playing. We will miss them as they leave for Poland!

When we finally got home James went down for a nap. I guess James's body is slowly stopping naps but on days that we have busy mornings his poor little body needs to rest. I'm guessing in a few months he will be done with habitual naps! James got up from his nap as soon as Matt finished work.

So before dinner, we headed to the shop to do our food shopping. James was so helpful with his trolley. He loves going through the maze of clothing. His face lights up on every turn! And he likes putting the fallen shoes back on the racks (he is so kind). Then he had his go on the toy cars outside. I love watching him so happy.

We then got home at a reasonable time and had some pizza and apple pie! We played around together with James until he was showing that he was tired. We had advent and sang some primary Christmas songs and then got ready for bed. I think I fell asleep before James this time because when I rolled over in the middle of the night I couldn't remember watching him fall asleep! But it was a better night for all of us.


In the morning we read some books and then James watched some family videos. He really loves going back through his "memories" and reliving adventures we have had and friends we have played with. I sit right there with him. We then were lucky enough to catch the bin men outside our house. We ran out and watched them. James then went inside and mimic what he saw (he is so good at mastery).

Then we played and cleaned until we had our play date with my friend Elena (from Mexico) and Cyrus (a week older than James). I can't believe both of these boys are 2 years old next month! Crazy! It was a lovely day and it was nice to see the boys happy and interacting with their environment. I loved hearing how Elena is doing. Her sister is coming to visit for the holidays... She is so lucky! At around 3pm we said our goodbyes.

When we were home James went down for a nap. During his nap, I was able to start my new book (Positive Discipline: The First Three Years) and got through a hundred pages! It is such a great book for parents! There is a better way to teach your kids other than the traditional time out, yelling, lecturing, or punishing... Which is actually very counterproductive for kids and parents. Read the book to find out how to actually discipline to get your kids to change and improve!

Anyway, when James got up Mat finished work. And as Matt was making dinner James and I played. I love watching how independent James is when he needs a drink from his kitchen. We then played with his cars and read a few books.

Once dinner was eaten we headed out to the shops to get some fruit and veg. I love the way James screams in the shops when it is empty. He finds it so fun not seeing anyone around.

We got home close to 10pm so we did advent. After a few Christmas songs, we got ready for bed. I got in bed but James would say no and keep reading books with his dad in his tent. I love watching those two. By 11pm he came over and nursed to sleep.


Even though he fell asleep late he still wanted to get up early (8am). We read a bit in bed and then got ready to go into town! I needed to just get one more gift and then a backpack for James (he's been asking for one). So we set off into town. James loved hearing all the street performers and dancing along.

I think I went into 5 shops until I finally found backpacks for toddlers in John Lewis. Goodness, I was sweating got to so many places and climbing up so many stairs. James chose it all by himself. He really is my foxy boy haha! We then went to the square to feed the birds.

Out of total surprise, I found my friend Maria there! I forgot the joy of seeing friends! I haven't seen her in almost a year because of this COVID stuff. It was a breath of fresh air to be able to talk to her and see her little girl Alexa (2.8 years old). Crazy how big she was! Oh, Maria was such a joy to talk to! James was so patient as I wouldn't leave Maria's side.

After we said our goodbyes we headed to the book shop. James had so much fun playing around and took home a small wooden train haha. Our last stop was getting some warm pizza to eat. James nearly ate half of mine! And then we went home.

When we got home James went down for a nap. James was hungry when he woke up so we had some cereal together. He did some reading on his own and got his friends Pongo and Koala to join. I love looking back when I'm cleaning and seeing him love his world.

Then James played around with the train his Abuelita ordered and some traffic lights. He loved the lights! He would scream every time it would turn green. We ran around the house together.

When Matt clocked out we had dinner and then it was time for me to cut his hair. It was so long! I had left it too long haha! James was so helpful as he would sweep the mess I would make while cutting. After an hourish it was done! I love being able to cut Matt's hair the way I want it haha!

My next job was to deep clean the house before bedtime. I always like to have the house sparkling clean when we leave on trips because when I come back I remain happy. So I cleaned while Matt and James played. Although every once in a while James will come over and help me. We did our Advent devotional and then headed to bed. It took James a few tries but eventually, he was down.


James gave us a nice lie in until 10am that morning. I had made plans with a friend to meet up but her little one got sick so we had to reschedule. That morning we headed over to my friend Jeanny's house. They have left to Poland and asked us to house sit and water their plants. So we went over and James was loving being there. It feels like a second home for us. After two hours of playing with toys and going from room to room, we headed out.

When we got back home James and Matt went inside to play while I deep cleaned the car. It was actually very satisfying haha! James then went down for a nap. I was able to read about 100 pages in my book so that was good!

When James got up Matt came in the living room to tell me the news about Christmas... The prime minister has just announced that our five day Christmas break is cancelled and that we are only allowed Christmas Day to bubble up with two other households. Lots of emotions came through the next hour ranging from anger to sadness to disappointment. We had already invested so much energy into the small allotted Christmas break that my heart just about broke. I haven't seen my family in a year and I've been trying to fill the void with my friends and in-laws. And knowing now that I only have one day to sit down with family hurts my heart.

After dinner, I was able to call my parents. It was so good to talk to them. I love ranting out everything with my mum and I love the lessons my dad teaches me. He shared with me his thoughts about how to face adversity. He reminded me of the song from "The Sound of Music" called My Favourite Things. Basically, there is a loud storm the is frightening the children so they run into the governess's room and jump onto her bed and tell her how scared they are. She then goes on to tell them in times like these she tries to remember her favourite things (Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens...). That is exactly what I needed to hear.

I need to focus on my favourite things no matter how much effort it takes (walks where Matt and I talk for ages, meeting up with friends outside, discovering new places, and playing with James, reading with James, watching cheesy Netflix Christmas films). I might be able to do everything I want but at least I still can do some. I read a talk from General Conference from Sister Harkness who said that when we are battle the storm-tossed sea we need to remember that Christ is in our boat. He has always been on our boat. He will bring peace if we turn to Him.

"Let us not just endure this current season. Let us embrace the future with faith! Turbulent times are opportunities for us to thrive spiritually... I promise that as we create places of security, prepare our minds to be faithful to God, and never stop preparing, God will bless us. He will 'deliver us; yea, insomuch that he [will] speak peace to our souls, and [will] grant unto us great faith, and … cause us that we [can] hope for our deliverance in him.' ” - President Nelson Oct 2020

It must have been so difficult for the prime minister to come to this conclusion. I'm sure he heard from the best health experts and there was no other choice (especially with this new mutation of the virus that spreads even faster). So even though we will travel 4 hours to see family for one day we will do it. I am going to focus on my favourite things. We played with James a bit longer and then headed into bed. We then read books together until he was ready to sleep.


We were up bright and early because Matt was conducting at church so we were invited to come. It was so nice to get ready and leave somewhere regular for once! James had a blast in the morning even though its an hour earlier than when he usually gets up. He was running all over the house jumping everywhere.

We left on time and when we saw the church I felt so much peace! It's been 8 months since coming here! It was so nice to be back. As Matt was off doing his thing and getting things ready, James and I played around. He loved rediscovering the church. We even made a fun tunnel that he enjoyed. Sacrament was lovely. It was a short meeting but we loved every second of it. We then we off home. James went down for a nap as soon as I sat down to nurse him.

James's nap was super short which meant we were in for a long day. We had lunch and played around in the bed (James's favourite "soft play area"). It was so much fun giggling as a family.

Then we were off to Heaton Park. James loved just observing all the kids around him. He doesn't go to the park to play he goes to the park to observe and that is totally okay! Kids learn so much through observation (as do we). He took us around to his favourite areas and even got Matthew to go through some small paths he could barely fit through haha! Even though it was pouring rain we had so much fun.

We then went home and watched some family videos together. We knew it was going to be an early night so Matt called his parents earlier. We then had our dinner. Matt and James then went off to play as I did some tasks around the house. And then we headed to bed! I got to finish my book since James went down so early. That makes 27 books read this year (so far!).

It has been a whirlwind of a week from sleep deprivation to Christmas being cancelled. But I have come closer to my Saviour knowing that this too shall pass and that joy isn't just in the future but it is the small moments in daily life, we just have to be still enough to feel it. Anyway, have a lovely week!


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