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My Cheeky Sister

Writer: Joy-Filled MumJoy-Filled Mum

Monday 11/12

I definitely feel the speed of the end of the year turned on. There are so many things happening this week and I feel like I was already behind haha! But the show must go one so we will see how this week turns out. Matt woke up with us that morning because he was accompanying us to the hospital. It was an early start which meant as we cycled to the hospital we saw the beautiful sunrise. The boys were so happy to be on the bike.

We made it to the hospital just in time for my appointment. I was see a cardiologist about my heart. The boys in the meantime had the time of their lives playing around the hospital as we went around doing different tests. After my ECG the doctor told me that they still didn't figure out the problem but unrelated they found out I have an accessory pathway in my heart (extra path for the electricity).

We will be back the next week and hopefully all is well. We cycled back home and George took his nap. When he woke up my Malaysian friend L arrived. James was over the moon to see Kia. He love him so much! He took his friend room to room and they explored.

I had a blast chatting with L. She is so fun and energetic. I love talking to her about life and parenting. We see things the same way and it is so validating to be with her. She is a fantastic mother. She was so playful with the boys too. Even though they live quite far in East London we feel so connected.

Once she left we headed out the door too to Ethan's birthday party. We ran over since we were already late. James and George jumped straight into play. They saw the bouncy castle and were in heaven. I loved watching the joy on their faces. James loved the balloon man who made him a very cool balloon gun.

They decorated gingerbread men (well James and George just ate the decorations haha!). Then they decided they just wanted to play keepy uppies the reast of the time. George had the biggest smile on his face. I am glad he was able to come to the party too.

We sang happy birthday to Ethan and then ate some delicious chocolate cake. The party finished off with some spectacular fireworks. The boys loved. watching them from inside. Then we said goodbye. It was quite a full day and the boys loved it. Matt played with the boys until it was bedtime and then we snuggled up.

Tuesday 12/12

It was a good night after so many bad ones. The morning went nice and slow. We, once again, had friends coming over to play so we were quite happy to not have to head out the door. James and George just played around together. When I got out of my shower the boys were washing their motorbikes haha! George is obsessed with spray bottles at the moment.

Soon our friends arrived. I love my Danish friend Sofia. She is the sweetest. The boys were so excited to see her kids. James gave Charlie the grand tour of his favourite toys.

Soon we were having a dance party in the bedroom. James and George can't get enough of dancing on the bed. They were all jumping and laughing together. They also were all mesmerised when the bin men came around.

We created an obstacle course for them to get their energy out. They really seemed to love that. Sofia is such a beautiful mum. She really understands her kids and is so graceful with them. We relate on so many levels when it comes to the way we want to parent. I'm so grateful for her friendship.

We then said goodbye and George finally took his nap. He was so excited when his friends were over that he stayed awake the whole time. He was asleep so fast.

When George woke up it was straight back to playing. They loved the obstacle course from before and just loved jumping and sliding down. When Matt got home we ate and then did our nightly wrestling. We then snuggled up in bed. While we cuddled James whispered to me “You are the best mum in the world. You are really special.” I asked him why he thought that. His response was “I'm always so cold and you are so warm and warm me up. And you are so cuddly.” He is my whole world.

Wednesday 13/12

It was our first day out of the house this week! I was anxious, almost feeling like I had forgotten how it feels to rush around. We made it to Covent Garden just when we wanted to. We walked around a bit and looked at the beautiful Christmas things around us.

We arrived at the entrance of the Transport Museum just as my friend Maris arrived with Brooks and Jack. Brooks did the cutest run up to James to give him a hug. I love their love so much! Jack soon did the same thing for George. I can't get enough of this.

Maris and I went into the museum with our boys and let them begin exploring as we waited for more friends to arrive. The boys were so happy to be together. I loved chasing them around as they ran around.

They loved when we finally arrived at the first play area. George was over the moon that he could drive a bus. James led his friends around as they played together.

Soon my friends arrived: Cathryn, Matt, Loira and Drew with all their little ones. It was so fun to see such a big group. So much talking and playing happened. Soon James just ran off with Brooks to explore some more.

The boys just wanted to run free. They were so happy to be together. I loved chatting with Maris and seeing what was new with her. She feels like a sister to me.

We followed the boys around as they interacted with the things around them. James picks up more and more things as we come here. He loves learning about transport.

My friend Larlee arrived with her two littles. James was so excited to see Max. They had just come back from Sweden. The three boys were off exploring together. George and Charlotte had their own fun together.

The last thing we did there was see Father Christmas. It was really cute to listen to the list Brooks had for him. The boys loves the winter display and riding on Santa's sleigh.

We then left the museum and hung out with our friends a bit longer at Covent Garden. The kids were mesmerised by the quartet that was playing. We then had a fun ride on the sleigh. George wasn't in the mood he was ready for his nap haha!

We said goodbye to Larlle, Max and Charlotte after we circled around Covent Garden together. Maris and I continued on with the boys through the streets to our next destination.

We turned into Neal's Yard for our lunch stop. I love this cute little pocket in London. And we never get tired of pizza from Home Slice. The boys ate a bit and then were off playing tag. James was in heaven running around with Brooks.

George was asleep at this time. Little Jack played with the big boys and they were very sweet with him. I am so grateful for tender older brothers. Brooks and James are the cutest friends.

We then walked out of Neal's Yard and towards Trafalgar Square. As we walked the boys kept trying to talk across buggies. They were so adorable as they would lean towards each other and giggle.

At Trafalgar Square we walked into the National Gallery. It's been a while since we've come here. But we knew exactly where we wanted to go. This building is so magnificent.

Brooks and James would sit in front of paintings and just lie on the floor. It was really cute. So the little ones joined in. It made everyone around them giggle. We finished off our visit with the Impressionist.

As we left the National Gallery we all had some Dutch pancakes at the Christmas Market. They were so good! We said goodbye to Maris, Brooks and Jack and headed to the bus. It was very delayed so we decided to get the tube. We made a cheeky stop to the Outernet since it was on the way.

We made it to Merchant Square just in time. It was just getting dark so the Christmas lights looks really lovely. We saw the reindeer there. The boys loved that.

As we played around the Square we bumped into my friend Zoe. James was excited to see his friend Teddy again. They did some running before she had to leave.

Before heading back home we stopped at Paddington Station for some sushi. The boys were so happy to be eating. I was so exhausted and ready to get home. On the bus the boys were in such a good mood which made it so much easier. I love their giggles. At home we had dinner with Matt and then headed to bed. As we cuddled James looked at me and said, “You're the best mum in the world. You are so special.” I asked why and he responded by telling me I'm so warm and he is always cold so it feels so nice to snuggle. I love this kid.

Thursday 14/12

When we woke up in the morning I told James he can choose how we spend the day. So we took it nice and slow. Just the way I like it. The boys had so much fun playing together.

Around 11am James asked me if we could go to Westminster to do Shrek's Adventure. Sure. Why not! So we packed up and left. George fell asleep as we headed off so we waited in the gift shop for him to wake up. James was so happy to get his new toothless hoodie that he had been wanting for so long.

We then went into Shreks Adventure. I'm so surprised how brave George and James are because it is quite shocking at times. I love to see them interact with challenging things.

But the real reason James loves coming is to see his favourite dragons in Berk. He loves being here so much. George has come to love it too! He loves touching the dragons. After playing in the Kung Fu Panda area we set off.

The boys ran next door to the Aquarium. Because George was well rested he was so alert to everything around him. He loved stopping and watching every fish. We learned the names of a few more fishes.

When we got to the sharks we saw divers inside cleaning the tank. It was so cool to see them in there with the sharks. Some of the sharks would come up to the divers and ask for a scratch. It was so cute. They are like pets haha! George enjoyed spending most of his time watching seahorses. He was transformed to another world.

We walked through the Aquarium a lot slower that time. Normally we get through it in an hour but today it was 2 hours. They really enjoyed themselves.

The jellyfish were the last thing we saw. The boys love watching the different kinds of jellyfish and how they swim around. I find it memorising too.

When we got out it was still pouring rain. George didn't mind. He loved it so much. We then ran over to the London Eye to wait in the queue. The boys love saving this for last.

When we come to Westminster we can help but do these three attractions back to back. It makes for a busy day but they love it. I would think they would get bored of the London Eye but they love getting a birds eye view of London.

We then made our way home. The boys still seemed to have so much energy. They rode around the house with their motorbikes. After dinner our friends Paul and Hanna arrived to stay with us. They had driven from Glasgow to come see us. The boys were in heaven! Soon we said goodnight to everyone and we snuggled up in bed. James looked at me and said *You can tell me you love me a million times. “ He is so cute.

Friday 15/12

The boys were so excited to wake up and know Paul and Hanna were there with us! They really are some of their favourite people. They put so much energy into loving the boys. Once we were ready for the day we headed out!

We made it all the way to King's Cross and walked to the British Library. It was so busy on the streets. London is starting to fill up too much. Once we made it to the Library the boys ran straight to the family station.

James and Paul played for a good hour making a well thought out plan. It was cute to watch them. Hanna and I chatted loads and joined into play with George when he wanted us over.

At noon we had some lunch and then went to St Pancras to see the Book Christmas Tree. Then we stopped over to see the Harry Potter Christmas Tree. George fell asleep by the time we got to the swing outside so James had that all for himself.

We walked through the Christmas Market at King's Cross and had a delicious brownie. I love the atmosphere at these markets! James loves looking at all the things that are being sold.

We then went to Gasholder Park to sit and play. James loved playing with Paul. There were running around and hiding where they could.

Soon George woke up and joined in on the fun. I loved my precious time with Hanna. She is like a sister to me. I can't believe they live all the way up in Glasgow. But we can't wait to go visit them next year.

The last stop we made was to the play space at King's Cross. The boys can't get enough of this small play area. And they love how many new friends they can make. At 4pm we started making our way home.

We dropped Paul and Hanna back at ours and then I went back out with the boys on the tube to the airport. My sister was arriving in an hour! I was so excited! The boys were so excited too! Turns out the flight got delayed a bit so the boys had loads of time to just run around Heathrow haha!

Finally my sister arrived! Oh! It was so amazing to see her! I can't believe it's been nearly 4 years! I don't feel so alone in the world anymore with her next to me. The boys were jumping with joy when they saw her and gave her the sweetest hugs. We rode home on the train together. She's here. Oh, I love Melissa. It feels so good to have her next to me. Like we've never been apart.

At home the boys continued to play with her despite being so tired. James and Melissa were so in sync with each other. It was so nice to have the house so full. Then we headed off to bed.

Saturday 16/12

It was the best thing to wake up and know that my sister was there. It feels so good to have family here. A part of me feels so relax and satisfied with family nearby. As we got ready that morning Melissa played with the boys. Paul and Hanna also gave them a good time. They loved all the love they got that morning. It makes my heart so happy.

Just before lunch we headed out to spend the day in Chelsea. Our original plan was to do the free horse carriage ride but the queue was so long and we didn't think it was worth it so we sat down and had some delicious pizza.

We then walked to Duke of York Square and found ourselves looking for Christmas decorations. They were themed the 12 days of Christmas. The boys loved finding each one.

I love the different things London does for Christmas. I still can't believe I haven't seen it all. I love the endless amount of experiences. The boys also seem to love the novelty of it all!

We then made a cheeky stop to John Sandoe Bookshop. James loves being read to and Melissa loves reading so they were in their for quite a while. I love that James had his auntie who shared his same interest. They are perfect for each other.

We continued walking down King Street. I loved the Christmas lights all around us. The boys loved the street performer who blew out flames from his saxophone.

I took Melissa to Bywater Street so she could see the colourful houses along that street. London has such cute houses and you can find them everywhere but I love this street so much. I also brought my dad here and we sat at the steps to eat together.

I am so grateful to have Melissa here. It makes me realise how much I miss that part of me that I said goodbye to as I moved to England. I left so much behind. I miss all the milestones and reunions. I miss seeing my kids be grandkids to my parents. I miss being a sister, daughter, cousin, and niece. But I am so grateful to have these individual moments with family members and get them all to myself. I really love Melissa so much.

Our next stop was to Knoops. This is the best hot chocolate in London. It is so good. And I literally melt every time I have it. So I was so excited to share it with Melissa. James was super cute as he drank it. I love this boy so much.

As we walked along the street the boys found their corners to play in. They love making the world their playground. And I love watching them enjoy themselves. They really do inspire me to be a better mum so I can give them what they need.

We visited Waterstones since it was on the way. We spent ages here. James just wanted to keep reading and reading. George was bored so he lied on the floor and just sang to himself as he played with some cars he found haha! I love both of my boys so much.

We started back home when George started showing signs of being tired. It had been a full day. Back home Melissa read to the boys (mostly to James since George just wanted to wrestle). She is such an incredible auntie to them. They love her so much. She gives them so much love. We then headed to bed.

Sunday 17/12

We took the tube that morning as we went to church since Melissa was with us. It was a lovely commute. I can't believe Christmas Eve is in a week from today! I was definitely feeling the Christmas spirit.

Sacrament went well. I am starting to see a pattern that whenever George is bored he lies on the ground and just sings to himself. It is really cute. We then headed off to singing time. George joined us and loved listening to the Christmas songs being sung.

Then it was time for my last primary lesson with my kids. Oh boy. I love my class so much! We did the same lesson we did at the very start of the year. I made a stable and the kids went inside it and we watched the Nativity together. We then passed around baby Jesus. I gave each child their primary book that they had been working on all year. I squeezed each one of them. I love them so much. I will miss the ones that will move up or move away.

One of my dearest friends also was moving away the next week. I will miss Sarah and her kids. She has been such a beautiful soul to be around. Little Olive will forever be in my heart. It was so sad to say goodbye. I know she has great things in store for her.

The boys played in the nursery for a bit longer. They were having so much fun together so we let them play. I can't believe my sister was with me at church. It felt so good to have her nearby. She knows my heart so well.

George fell asleep as we got home. And soon after my brother in law Elliot and his wife Megan arrived with they daughter Rosie. It was so great to have them around. Last time they came was when they helped us move! So it was long overdue. Rosie seemed so happy to see the boys. I love seeing Rosie so much.

I loved chatting with Elliot and Megan a bit in between all the playing. Megan is so great with the boys and really gives them a good wrestle which is why they are absolutely in love with her haha! Wrestling is their love language haha! She is very patient with them. Soon the lights turned off and it was time for a dance party. We did have dinner eventually. It was such a fantastic time with them. We really love them.

We said goodbye to them and then got ready for bed. The boys still had so much energy and didn't want to end the day. I love seeing their energy for living. I love living life with them. I can't wait to see what the next week holds.



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