There are hundreds of books out there! And that makes it all the more difficult to choose which books to read up on when you're becoming a mother. Well, to help you, I will be writing a series of blog posts on what books are the best to read in a particular motherhood topic.
Did you think there were only 3 trimesters to endure with creating a tiny human? I only knew about the three but nobody told me about the fourth. Yes! There is a fourth trimester! And if you are caught off guard this important trimester will be the hardest. The fourth trimester (which lasts for the next 12 weeks post-birth) involves two people: you and your baby. There is recovery for you (nurturing this freaking amazing body that just created and birthed a baby!) and vital development for your baby (there is still major brain growth that needs to happen). So these books will fill you in with all you need to know!
This book is so practical and so quick to read! It is the ultimate guide to any mum that wants to heal and nurture their mind and body back to health. Jolene Brighton focuses on each essential part that needs time and attention to heal in their own chapter (breasts, vagina, sex, digestion, mood, thyroid and adrenals, self-care and nutrition). She includes recipes, teas, and practices that will naturally bring our bodies back so we can be supported in this new role. We need to heal after the pregnancy and childbirth or else we cannot be the best mum for our newborn babies. As you take care of yourself you will be able to enjoy this new motherhood.

The first book was for you and this book is for your new baby. Susan Brink is a brilliant author. Coming from a journalism background she uncovers the hard facts and research of a newborn's world. She helps you understand your newborn perfectly! She begins by explaining how babies arrive unfinished and what that means. She then goes through the major topics of crying, sleeping, feeding, sound, sight, touch, physical development, stimulation and lastly mum and dad. Every question that you have about your newborn will be answered here! After reading this you won't wonder why but actually understand your newborn. It is an incredible read!

This is a perfect step-by-step guide! It takes you through each hour of the first day and lets you know what to expect. It then goes through each day slowly so you can understand what is happening to you and your baby. It reads like a workbook and is meant to be interactive. This book is actually the guide they give to woman after giving birth in the Netherlands (so it is translated from dutch). It helped me so much beforehand to understand what will be done to your baby, how breastfeeding changes in the first few days and how my body will be after giving birth. It is a must-read for any new mum! It explains absolutely EVERY detail! You will never feel lost with this guide by your side.

It is so challenging navigating through the fourth trimester but it's so much easier if you know what to expect. These three books are the most essential ones you can have by your side to survive and thrive in this new role. As I keep reading more books on this topic I will update and add to this list but for now, trust me, these are the best! I also highly recommend the app Calm for guided meditations to help you strengthen your mind and deal with the challenges. And if you need someone to talk to shoot, me a message! Good Luck!