Monday 5/12
The night was horrendous. Despite having plans for this week I was feeling so awful. George was on day 6 and stopped having a fever during the night. I, on the other hand, was so poorly. I had a fever and could barely breathe because of my blocked nose. I had a headache most of the time too. But the show must go one when you are a mum. I sat painfully as the boys played that morning just wishing the minutes would go by so I could be better again.
James was so calm and chill that morning which made it really nice. At lunch time Matt gave me a bit of a break. James worked on his sewing that we brought home from the Tate.
Then George napped as James and I watched a few shows together. When George was up it was back to playing. George amazes me with how well he stands! I can't believe he will be walking in a few months!
At 5pm we were dead and accidentally all fell asleep on the sofa together. I was dying. Matt clocked out at 6:30pm and woke us all up. It was so hard trying to survive the day.

We had dinner and then had a family film night and watched Superpets. James absolutely loves that film. After the movie the boys had a go on the laptop to type. This is George's favourite thing to do these days haha! We then headed up to bed. Everyone was sleep by 10:30pm due to the late nap.

Tuesday 6/12
Another awful night. This time possible due to teething I think? George was so wiggly and I couldn't sleep well with my nose and head. I woke up exhausted and George would let go of me all morning. James was happy waking up and created his own games that morning.
We had lunch at 12pm with Matt and then continued playing. My head was finally more clear and the only thing that was left was my blocked nose. So I was able to clean finally. George had the best time playing hide and seek with us. Now that he is understanding object permanence he loves these games. The joy on his face when he finds just so cute.
The boys took a nap and we were up playing for a bit longer. I love watching James have his dance parties. We spent the next hour or so just doing that. Both boys seemed fully recovered finally! It was just me who was experiencing headaches and an extremely blocked nose. It was exhausting. When Matt finished work he took over and we had dinner. I was ready for bed. I dragged myself through the evening feeling grateful Matt made the boys so happy.

Wednesday 7/12
A nightmare of a night! I could sleep at all with my blocked nose and George being so wiggly. In the morning I didn't not feel any better than the day before, surprisingly. I was so tired physically, emotionally and mentally. But I did try. We tried to do some activities that morning but nothing seemed to keep their attention long enough or just ended in a disaster.
I was crashing and burning. I found this painting pop up on my Instagram and it describes exactly how I was feeling on the inside. It had been a week since I could get my arms free to get jobs done around the house. The house was a bomb site. And I was feeling so down because of some personal things. I was done. It's so hard being a sick mum when you have two healthy boys who are bouncing off the walls (well actually just one because George wouldn't let me put him down for anything). It's so hard to be so far away from the family who would be right at my doorstep ready to come rescue me. I felt so alone. Tears filled the whole day.

The boys napped as I tried to relax next to them. My only solace was when Matt was done working and we hugged for ages. We ate dinner and then Matt was off with James as George only wanted me. Watching Matt and James laugh so much made my heart start to beat. George and I joined them in play as we pretended to be on a rocket and fly around our solar system. James loved learning about the different planets. We then got ready for bed and snuggled in close. It was probably the worst day of the year for me… but it ended back at level 0. I'm so grateful for my boys.

Thursday 8/12
George woke up first. I had only a blocked nose and felt back to normal energy levels. George was so happy in the morning. He was so excited to wake up James haha! We got ready for the day and I decided we'd head out. The boys were healthy and strong and I only had a blocked nose so we were good to go. I couldn't keep the boys at home another day… We all needed the sunshine. James loved the fact that there was frost outside! We talked about the season and the water cycle as we drew pictures on the car before heading to the train.
We got to the Hayes Chapel at 11am. Isabelle was in her car with Mirelle who was sleeping. So we headed inside and played around for a bit. James and George were so excited to run around and be free again.
Soon Mirelle and Isabelle joined us. James and George were so excited to see her. She is the cutest girl. My friend Kyra showed up with Remi and Elle. We all got busy making gingerbread men.
Then it was playtime. The kids went all over the Chapel to play. I loved being with Isabelle and Kyra. We chatted for ages! Then some more mum friends arrived and we did more gingerbread men.
Just after 2pm we said goodbye to everyone and then headed over to Wembley Stadium by train. Then I walked 30 mins to IKEA since both boys were asleep and I could do with the exercise. It was such a nice walk. I love the winter sky.
We had 2 hours to spend here before Matt would meet us here for dinner. So we walked through it very slowly. James and George loved the sea area they could play in. And then spent ages going from sofa to sofa looking and laughing together.
James and George went room to room exploring all the hiding places. George loved every single tag he could get ahold of. James loved looking in all the cupboards.
But of course the favourite area was the Kids section. George loved the sensory lights. He kept following them around the room. We played around in the toy market and then went around to the bedrooms. I was picking up an easel and art supplies. James needs more practice holding a pen so this is a great way to encourage it. George loved the whole sensory experience in this section.
We the made it to the cafe and waited for Matt. James loved the kids play area. When Matt was there we had some yummy meatballs (which George enjoyed as well!). Then we headed off to explore IKEA again haha! We finally made it to the Market Hall and got our easel.
The commute home in the freezing cold and easel were not easy haha! Why do I always do this to myself. But luckily because Matt is so tall he was able to carry it well. It only took one bus to get home. James pulled out his new garage he bought there and we even squeezed in a bit of art before heading up to bed. I love doing bedtime with the boys.
Friday 9/12
I still didn't breathe well that night. I can't wait to have my nose back. My lips are melting away. We got ready first thing and then headed out the door to catch the Elizabeth line. We then made a cheeky stop at the charity shop and got on a bus to Kyra's.

Kyra and Isabelle were making treats for some of their friends and invited me along to be part of the chaos. James was so excited to be with his friends. It was nice seeing him running along with the crew. It was fun to see all the baking going on. Especially all the flour that was being tossed around haha!
I can't believe how long we chatted for. I never get tired of these girls. They are so lovely. There was a point in the afternoon when my heart felt heavy. Isabelle and Kyra were my rocks. They were there to hug me and support me. Gosh, I love these women. I am so grateful to have such wonderful friends. They are sisters to me!
At around 4pm we made our way home in the dark. On our last 30 minutes of walking George would say "mamama" all the way home… it was fun to listen to him!

When Matt came home soon after us we had dinner. George once again only wanted my arms so we just made the best of it. James and George did play together for a while which gave me a rest.
When we started to get ready for bed James was asking me about big numbers and small ones. So we cracked out the pom bears and started to play "who has more?". He really enjoyed it! Our best learning always happens right before bed for some reason haha! We then got into bed together.
Saturday 10/12
It’s so nice to make it to the weekend. Even though our weekends are jammed-packed sometimes, it’s nice to have Matt by my side. Especially since my nose was not 100% functioning yet haha!
That morning we headed off to our friends Rachel and JD’s (showrunner of Rings of Power) house to go to their son Ethan’s birthday party. James was so happy to be there. He loved seeing Ethan and playing with him.
Ethan and his big brother Adam were so excited to show us all their favourite things around the house. James loved their toy room and wanted to just be there the whole time. But we were able to get the boys down by announcing the bubbles that were going on downstairs.
Then there was a lovely clown who entertained all the kids for the next 30 minutes. James loved the show. He was so brave doing all the activities. I have never seen his participate so much at a birthday party. He absolutely loved it. I loved the hot chocolate stall and popcorn machine haha!
The kids then played for another house while we chatted away with our friends. Ethan opened his gifts and then there was more play time. We didn't want to leave! It was such a fun party and we loved celebrating Ethan! I love this boy so much! (He is in my nursery class on Sundays).
We then made our way to the West End to go see the production of The Snowman. My friend Loira was there with her son Tomas. James was so happy to be sitting next to his friend. The show was so fun and beautifully made! I wish George could have lasted through it better. I had to stand in the back with him for about 25 minutes of the show because he was so wiggly.
Once the show was over they got some wiggles out and then we headed out to get some food. James was so happy at Mcdonalds. He can nearly eat his whole cheeseburger now! I loved seeing how happy James was. He would dance to the music as he was eating.
We then walked into Waterstones to look at books and do some reading. James couldn't get enough of reading. George was happy just pulling down books haha!
After buying a few books we headed off to Somerset House to see the ice rink there. It was so pretty to see! James was mesmerised by the skaters.
Then it was time to go home. It was getting really cold too! Back at home we didn't have time much to do anything else but the boys wrestled a bit before we had to do bedtime. I love how George is obsessed with James's hair. He does try to pull it all the time haha! We then got into bed. I fell asleep so fast because my nose was finally unblocked. Yay!
Sunday 11/12
We were going to drive that morning but when I saw how foggy it was I told everyone we had to walk! It looked so magical! And it was!
Sacrament was beautifully filled with the Christmas spirit. And then up to nursery which was fun and easy. We had popcorn this time to share with the kids which was so fun. After church James loved playing with his older friends.
It was so nice to see the Christmas displays in the visitor centre in the Chapel on the way out. So beautiful! And the walk back was beautiful as well. The fog was so intense and the frost on spider webs were the best.
My friend Isabelle (from Sweden) came over with her family to have dinner with us. We brought out the Santa Lucía things to play with since it's a Swedish tradition. And Isabelle and I went off to play with the kids. As Matt and Marcus (from Finland) chatted in the kitchen.
We then sat down to eat together. I had the best time with them. They are such good people! Isabelle means the world to me! I can't get enough of her. She teaches me so much. I love my Scandinavians.
After they left we rushed off back to the Chapel for the Stake Christmas Devotional. It was such a beautiful program! My friends Rachel (Ethan's mum) and Julia both performed and it was amazing the voices they have!

Afterwards they had refreshments. James was off running around with his friends. He is such a cute kid. He was burning off a lot of energy as well! George got a cuddle with his favourite Akua. This girl always puts a smile on my face. She is divine! We left just after 7pm. James was so happy he got to play.
It was snowing on the way home! So magical! I love winter. We made it home and warmed up. Then we headed straight for bed. Finally. I love bed. I love breathing through my nose easily. And that ends our week! Half home and half out on adventures!
