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Christmas Week During a Pandemic

Writer: Joy-Filled MumJoy-Filled Mum

See a snapshot of our week! Life with kids can make time and memories slip through the cracks. So here is where we will write the story of the joys with our family.


I am so determined this week to use all my energy and strength to make this Christmas Week beautiful and full of memories. No matter what is going on with the world and the restrictions I have the will to live and the will to feel joy. So here we begin! James woke up before Matt had to clock in (this was his only day of work this week). So we read together in bed.

Then James and I got ready to go to our play date with my friend Lynn and her son Hemish (who is the same age). We got on the bus for a long way to Gosforth. James enjoyed it though. He loves it when we can sit in the back. We got there early so James took his time observing all the kids as they played around.

It wasn't long before Lynn arrived with Hemish. It was so lovely to see her! I think the last time I talked to her in person was in March! We talked for ages as we tried to keep our boys together as they would run off in opposite directions haha! I loved listening to Lynn and hearing her life update. She is one tough woman and I love her to pieces! So many of my friends are busy or unavailable to meet up but I'm so grateful Lynn filled my morning with joy. As we talked and walked it started pouring rain but it didn't bother us one bit. My coat did get all muddy though from James's wellies (that's okay haha I hand washed it at home). Soon the boys were expressing their tiredness and so we said our goodbyes. James and I caught the bus back home.

Once we came home he slept. When he got up we played around for a bit until Matt clocked out. We had pancakes for dinner and then left for the Metrocentre. I heard that the Christmas displays are a must-see. And they are! James loved looking up and seeing all the lights. His favourite word that night was "high".

He loved the Nativity scene that was there. He kept saying "Jesus". I needed to do some shopping. I am low on jeans since they get all muddy when we go out and my boots were causing me pain. I also snatched a coat since there were mega sales and mine was home drying from today's adventure.

We went into the Disney shop so James could have a look around and was only interested in hugging Olaf haha! So cute. Once I had finished my shopping we got some doughnuts. And then we let James lead the way.

We ran into a massive reindeer where James spent ages running around it and touching its legs. We then bumped into penguins at the Winter Wonderland they had. That was another place James spent ages at. Finally, he was done and we headed home.

It was late so we just had our advent devotional and then headed off to bed. It was a great day and I fell asleep as soon as my eyes closed.


Matt got to lie-in with us until 9am and we read our books in bed. As soon as we had breakfast we headed out the door. It was such a beautiful day and the sun was shining so we wanted to take a selfie with it so everyone back in Utah knows that the sun exists in England haha!

We then made a 50-minute drive to Barters Book Shop in Alnwick. It was so fun! We discovered this gem back in April 2019 but James was tiny then. And now James was so amazed by the atmosphere. He was in awe of the trains that were above the bookshelves. He also loved the kids' area. I grabbed a few books for him as we played around with him.

Then Matt and I took turns looking at the shelves. Barters is basically a second-hand book shop with new, old, and ancient books (once from Issac Newton that costs £3,000!). I love looking through the shelves. And when I was with James we would run back and forth following the train. He really loved that.

When he was done we headed out back to the car. We read his new books on the way back home. As soon as we got back he was down for his nap.

When he got up we read his new books together. Then we had a dance party in the bedroom. It was so fun dancing alongside him! He has this new move where he jumps and lands on his bum haha! He doesn't seem to be bothered by it!

After forever dancing we had some dinner and then headed off to the shop to get our groceries. James had a blast going under all the models' legs. We are doing our shopping in the store now since James begs to go inside and play around. So why not haha! Towards the end of shopping, James seemed super tired so we headed home and got ready for bed. I just love how James cuddles up to me and slowly closes his eyes.


We all got up at 8am and spent ages reading in bed. It was so cold even though we had the heating on all night! But we stayed under the covers reading together until our bladders couldn't take it anymore.

After we had breakfast we went into town. One of our traditions on Christmas week is to go to Birmingham buy some books at Waterstones and eat at Nandos (Matt took me the first time when we were dating in 2015). But since Waterstones will be closed by the time we drive down the next day we decided to go that morning. So we headed straight into Waterstones and each got 2 new books for the year (I'll finish these in January haha). Then afterwards James spend ages playing in the puddles outside. I love seeing him play.

As soon as we got home he went down for a nap. When he got up we went out to get our fruit and veg and then went back home to play. We love how many delivery drivers come and park outside. James and I sit and watch them for ages.

I then got started one wrapping gifts. When I was almost done I realised I forgot to buy one more gift. So out to the shops again. James loved listening to the street performers and see the lights again. I was ready to be done with Christmas shopping haha. Each December we go over budget but this was the first December that we not only stayed within our budget but put 10% of our income into our savings! So a good year!

When we got home finally Matt needed a break so he went off to read while James and I played around the house. It is so fun hanging out with him these days. His favourite game was filling the washing machine with the tea towels and then putting them back. He even tried to get himself in the washing machine haha! And yes that is a basket on his head that he wore all night as his new hat.

We then had our last advent devotional of the year since we were leaving the next day. James was down at a decent time.


We got up excited this morning knowing we were heading down south! And there was snow outside!! It was so beautiful! It melted by the time we headed out though.

We showered and packed and then left at noon. James fell asleep at the beginning of the trip which was nice. Then was awake for the last hour watching everything the passed his window. He especially liked the windmills he would see.

After 3 hours in the car, we made it to my friend Kendal house. We headed out on a walk around the neighbourhood. It was so lovely being with her! We see each other about every 3 months and each time is such a treasure. I love hearing how she is getting on and how Lily is growing. Lily is such a beautiful girl! It would be cute if Lily and James became close (too bad our last name isn't Potter haha!). Her husband Yanos got him from work early and we were able to see him before we left. We really are tempted to move to Ashby!

We left to get to Birmingham to see the lights and have dinner. 5 years ago exactly (Christmas Eve 2015) Matt brought me by train to Birmingham while we were dating. So since then, it's been out tradition to come during this season. It was even snowing! James had a blast on all the cars and vehicles for kids. He loved the dog that sat next to him haha!

We saw some of the beautiful lights there but couldn't stay outside for a long time because it was freezing. Because Birmingham is in Tier 3 we weren't able to eat at Nandos but we got some yummy pizza instead which James definitely loved.

When it was close to midnight we made our way to Worcester. Since on Christmas Day you are allowed indoor with other households we made sure we got there on Christmas Day... Really early in the morning. James was full of energy when we got there and was running around with everyone. It was such a pleasant late evening just chatting and watching how comfortable James was. Soon we headed to bed super late but happy.


We woke up really late (due to the late-night and hard night). But by the time we were ready for the day Matt's brother Elliot and his wife Megan arrived (who is 14 weeks pregnant!). We then sat down and James handed everyone their gifts. It was a lovely afternoon seeing everyone's smile as they opened their presents. James loved everything he got. And I am sure all his new toys will be featured on her eventually haha!

Around 3pm Matt's grandparents arrived and we had Christmas Dinner. It was really nice catching up with Matt's grandparents and seeing how they are. We then went back to the living room to finish opening gifts.

And then the games began. James actually fell asleep so I slipped out to go wish my family a Merry Christmas. I really miss my family this Christmas. Its been a year since I have hugged them all... It'll probably be another year too. But it was so good talking to my parents. I love them so much. James woke up and then I finished up talking to them.

We then had a light dinner together. The Stobbs have been such good in-laws to me this year and I am so grateful for the gifts and the food and the time they always put in for me. I am so lucky to have them. Then after chatting for a while everyone said goodbye.

Daniel and James had one last go at the piano. James was so sad to leave. He had so much fun with all the people that were around him. Hopefully, we can be back in a few months if things get better. After the first hour of driving, James fell asleep and stayed asleep until we got home. I ran into bed with him and he stayed asleep. I slipped out of bed and got ready for bed and was asleep by 1:30am.


Ugh... We were so tired when James woke up at 9am. But can't complain too much since we got about 7 hours of sleep. In the morning I spent it by unpacking and organising our Christmas gifts while Matt and James were playing with all his new things. It's so nice to have so many new books on my bookshelf! I am so excited to read them!

James actually went down for an early nap before lunch (probably just so exhausted from the last two days). When he got up we played with a gift he received from our friends Yanos and Kendal. He loved it so much (especially just throwing it around haha). I let Matt go off to work on a side project that he has started (improving our family's budgeting app). James and I had a dance party in the bedroom with all his stuffed animals. It was so fun. I love watching him jump and dance around. He can do it for ages! I get tired before he does haha!

I then did a bit of reading while Matt and James watched some family videos together. And then James was up pushing his toy duck (gift from grandparents) everywhere. We had dinner together and then the rest of the evening played around. I spoke to my mum for a bit but then went back to playing and chasing James. Since James got up early from his nap he went down early that night! I binged watched a series in bed while I waited for Matt to get into bed for a cuddle. I love early nights.


Our 4th Anniversary!!! And the best way of celebrating it was staying in bed and cuddling with James. James just wanted to nurse so Matt and I listened to a Stake Devotional in bed. By noon we got out of bed and had breakfast. We then had our sacrament and Come Follow Me. Matt and James spent ages drawing on the blackboard.

Then he went down for a nap. He napped for so long which gave me loads of time to blast through the first 100 pages of Insights the book written on President Nelson's life. Then when James got up we had lunch and played around with him. We were going to take a walk since it was our anniversary today but it was dark and cold (almost 0 degrees celcius). We talked about how really the best anniversary gift is that we have each other and that we are still madly in love. That makes an anniversary beautiful. (Photo on December 27 in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020... didn't really get the chance to take one today.)

We had dinner and then spent the rest of the evening playing with James. I love these kinds of evenings when we can just be together focusing on one another. We also watched a bit of Into The Spiderverse since it's one of Matt's favourite films. And then headed off to bed.

And that was our Christmas Week. I hope you were able to find joy in the season despite the different circumstances. On to the New Year!


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