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Essentials and Must-Haves for


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Hospital Bag

 Hospital Bag Essentials 

Check out my blog post on to see my checklist 

Hospital Bag

I used this bag to put all the items that I was going to use during birth. This list will be what I put in the bag. I also brought a suitcase that had all the items that would be needed only after birth. Those items will be listed under the section Birth Day on this page.


The reason I went with robe instead of a gown is that it is easier to take off as soon as your baby is born so you can have lovely skin-to-skin contact. It's also very easy to breastfeed in this. I would recommend getting a dark colour because of all the output you might have.

Mesh Underwear

This is another item they might give you in the hospital but it's good to have more just in case. These are so comfy! You will be leaking a lot of fluids before and after so pack plenty.


With all the breathing and panting, your lips will get dry. It feels so nice to reapply chapstick in labour. It's one thing you can help.


Remember to bring all your toiletries: brush, makeup, remover, dry shampoo, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste. Don't forget to pack your birth companion's toiletries too! Also, bring a change of clothes for both of you.

See what I use

Childbirth Without Fear

Dick-Read is phenomenal! He was among the first who really looked at the physiology of birth and realised the role fear can play. Every chapter is filled with so much knowledge. He truly helped me understand how I could have a pain-free birth.

Maternity Notes

It's very important not to forget your maternity notes. As for your birth preferences, have your birthing companion know them by heart or have them written down. Don't forget you are in control of your birth experience!

See what I use

Compression Socks

I actually used these socks during pregnancy when I went to Paris or anywhere else I knew that I would be walking a lot. At the hospital, they might give you some but I brought my own because they would get dirty quickly and I didn't want to keep asking them for new pairs. This will control the swelling that will happen during the labour and after.

Maternity Pads

Best pads! They are massive and way more comfortable than the hospital pads. As soon as labour begins, put these on to catch your waters! In your bag, you will only need a few but in your luggage bring more! I would change my pad each time I would use the toilet so bring a pack for each day.

Water Bottle

Hydration is key during labour! It is as important as breathing! What I love about this water bottle is that you can drink from just about any position. And in labour, you need that! Remember your uterus is working so hard for so long to push your baby out, the more you drink the more strength it has.


There are so many hypnobirthing books out there but Marie Mongan is the original creator of hypnobirthing. This book is the BEST companion during birth with guided hypnosis and loads of suggestions during labour.


Most likely you will be on your feet during labour so it's nice to have comfy slippers. Hospital floors are not the cleanest and your poor feet will be so tired from the labour and be swollen.. These are great for slipping on and off when you are heading to the bathroom (which will be a lot!)

Nursing Bras

Bring the black bra for the birth! And have extras in the bag. This will get blood on it from the baby. Also, I needed two sizes bigger after birth because your breasts explode! So bring them for when that happens.

Folding Fan

This is a lifesaver when labour gets hot! You will get hot and sweaty and this little folding fan is just perfect for when that moment comes. (I also used it in pregnancy when heat waves would come).


Fuel is so vital for you AND your birth partner. Pack snacks that will help your body along. My favourite snack was salted almonds. We also bought a box of chocolates for the midwives and doctors to pick from. Keeping them happy is important too!

See what I use

Portable Charger

Of course, don't forget your phone and charger. You don't know how long labour will last so it's best to have extra batteries in case you can't find a socket. Your phone will keep you entertained while you stay at the hospital. I used my phone to play music most of the time. Also to video call my family and watch Netflix.

Birth Day

 Birth Day Essentials 


Pampers are amazing nappies! I have never had a leak with them. If you are in England I would recommend getting the ALDI Mamia Nappies over this. You won't be changing too many nappies on the first day. I would bring 8 for each day you plan to spend in the hospital.

Baby Vests

These are absolutely perfect for newborns! I love how you button them up instead of putting it through their heads. Most babies HATE having their heads squeezed through a vest and this completely solves the problem! It will save many tears!

Cellular Blanket

This is the perfect size for a newborn. A cellular blanket is what is recommended by midwives and health visitor because it is breathable for baby in case it comes over their head.

Breastfeeding Vitamins

Vitamins are not only important during pregnancy but for breastfeeding too! Your baby needs all those good nutrient through your milk. Taking this every day helped me know that my baby was getting what he needed.

Nipple Cream

I barely used this at the start because rubbing breast milk on your nipple usually is the best remedy but when it became unbearable I was grateful I had this cream. One tube is more than enough.


Whenever it burned or itched down there I used these pads to get relief. I would pat the wet pad on me and then fan the area to get fresh air in. The Witch Hazel ingredient is amazing! It helped so much!

3 in 1 Shampoo

Shampoo can burn your lady parts so bad! This shampoo is great because it's everything packed in one and there is no burning!


Your baby have meconium poop for the first few days so I suggest you change while it's still fresh because it will be easier to wipe off. Waterwipes is best to use at the beginning because the wipe is wetter and makes it easier to clean.

SwaddleMe Pods

These are so easy to put on! They have one zip coming from the top and another from the bottom to change a nappy easily. There is no way for a baby to break out and it's nice and stretchy.

Warm Blanket

I love these soft blankets! These are perfect for extra warmth and when you load your little one in the car to go home for the first time.

Breast Pads

I went with reusable ones because it costs way less and its better for the environment. The bamboo material is so soft! I bought 4 packets, so 28 pairs in total. In the beginning, I would use 5 a day and later 3 a day. If you don't leak that much 2 during the day and 1 at night are perfect.

Maternity Pads

These are the best pads! They are massive and way more comfortable than the hospital pads. I would change my pad each time I would use the toilet so bring a pack for each day.

Portable Bidet

I never used mine but most of my friends said it was so essential for them. This will help dilute your urine so it doesn't irritate your lady parts. I simply just drank loads of water and that would dilute my urine enough that I never felt any burn going to the toilet.

First Days Book

This workbook is so perfect! It takes you step by step of what to expect the first 8 days, even the first hours. It was created in Dutch so the English is not perfect but it is a fantastic guide!


Because ours never leaked we only needed one onesie a day. I highly recommend you getting premmie sizes as well because a newborn size is massive on a baby less than 7lbs. Ours was in premmie sizes for 1 month and newborn sizes until 6 weeks old. Don't forget to pack their going-home outfit!


These muslins are my go-to! I brought all 10 to the hospital and they were all used up! The size of these muslins are perfect and they are very soft (even after washing). My regret is not buying enough of these at the start!

Nursing Pillow

A nursing pillow is so helpful with breastfeeding a newborn. Taking this to the hospital will help you learn how to feed your baby. This pillow saved me from having aching arms and back!


These are such a relief to your nipples if they are sore and sensitive! Take a box in case you need them. I would just cut them in half so they would last longer. Make sure to give your nipples as much fresh air as possible.

Mesh Underwear

This is another item they might give you in the hospital but it's good to have more just in case. These are so comfy! You will be leaking a lot of fluids before and after so pack plenty. Instead of throwing these away I would just wash them.

Going Home Clothes

You will look 6 months pregnant when you get out of the hospital so for your going home outfit keep that in mind. Take your maternity yoga pants and a comfy top (preferably a dark colour so it can hide your belly).

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding bible!! This book is an amazing support for breastfeeding! The chapters go by stages and there is a scientific explanation behind everything! I could not have survived breastfeeding without this book. If you have a question or problem about breastfeeding you WILL find the solution in this book.

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