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Essentials for Us

Find products and advice on must-haves from bump to beyond for a minimalist mum

About Me

Being only 24 and far from the country where my family lived, I had to do this mothering thing basically all on my own. On top of that, we were living in a small flat in England on one salary. Having been married for a year, my husband and I decided we were ready to add some more joy into our family. 

So what did I do? I spent months researching articles, books, YouTube videos and podcasts to know what to do and what I needed for this new baby. Living within our means meant I really only could afford the essentials. 

I share my countless hours of research with you. I am not sponsored by anyone or seek to make a gain - I only wish to help mums like me who don't know where to begin or where to turn.

I realise that all babies are unique so some of these will or won't work for you. Please take what you need for your particular circumstance. 

You can do this! I hope to ease your journey to motherhood. Message me if you need anything.

With Love, 


Joy-Filled Mum

Phases of Motherhood

Pregnant Woman in Nature

Our bodies miraculously grow this beautiful baby but there is so much more we can do to help! Start the journey of motherhood empowered by having what you need.

Water Birth

The big day when we meet that tiny human being growing inside of us can be daunting...even terrifying! But by nesting well and preparing you can replace that fear with confidence.

Baby Holding Parent

This is it! You have met and cuddled with your baby and now you must provide for them. Keep in mind a baby really doesn't need a whole lot to survive and thrive outside your womb.


Check Out Some of My Favourite Books

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